Friday 11 May 2007

Meeting People

If there's one thing I like to do it is to meet people.

I met a guy at Bentham Station and got to know him on the train. He told me two interesting things:

1 There is a course about Digital Photography starting at Hornby Institute on 6 June. Perhaps it would help me improve pictures like the one I took of Lancaster Station yesterday. You can see it at the top of this blog.

2 He is a mortgage broker and could help get a better deal for our buy-to-let mortgages.

I've got his contact details.

At the University MA Seminar I read out my paper calling it a deconstruction. But irony held the day. The Professor told me that I had put a new historicist critique together with a post modern expose but had not actually gone on to deconstruction (!) Talk about the blind leading the blind!

Anyway, I did mention the prophet Ezekiel in it and he was mentioned again in the afternoon seminar which was a discussion on Modern Painters 2.

I borrowed one of Keith Hanley's books explaining what Modernism is. I found it fascinating.

Lynn helped me pick up some books about Modern Literary Criticism from the University Library. I hope to devour parts of them this week.

I met some more people in the afternoon. One was a Canadian Librarian who was visiting Pauline and the other a lady from a URC Church in Lancaster.

The day ended with me watching Jim'll Fix It Strikes Again on UKTV Gold. Last one, sadly.

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