Wednesday 17 October 2007

Confession time

One promise I made to myself for this time of non-employment was: Don't watch day time television. This I have kept since my resignation.

But my boys watch it when they're at home. May God forgive me, I was tempted by one of those loan ads today. As I walked in the door from walking to buy milk at the Co-op, the voice-over was saying If you're a home owner just ring us for a loan. I confess I was tempted.

When you haven't got any money it's a great temptation to get into debt. But I am reminded of another quote, which should be in even deeper red than the others. It is from George MacDonald Fraser, the author of the Flashman series. He said it to his wife when he lost his job: I can write us out of this.

May God help me to do that.

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