Saturday 19 July 2008

His yoke is easy!

I promised to tell you how yesterday went after I blogged about the yoke and burden of Jesus. It went well.

I fitted in all I needed to, and a bit more besides. This was an emergency visit to the dentist as I was getting pain in my lower right gums. Turns out there's an infected ulcer there and I have to take a week's course of antibiotics. I go off one medication and straight onto another!

But it was a good day. I didn't use a to-do list but I yoked myself to Jesus and he helped me pull my burden. I would remember about things and do them at just the right time. And decide to do things on the spur of the moment.

This was to go to the Library and find out about the life of a distant lady relative whose christening mug I rescued from an auction in Liverpool on Thursday. The mug told me her name Alma Fairmann and the date of her birth 1st April 1856.

Using I found out that she was born in Cramlington, Northumberland and lived later in Earsdon, near Whitley Bay until her father died in 1890. Then she and her mother moved to Hamilton, Lanarkshire to live with Alma's sister Agnes who had married my great-grandfather John McCabe.
There she served as house keeper. After that I lost her.

What an amazing thing the internet is. Before it came along finding out that information would have taken weeks of research, letter writing, interviews and some fruitless escapades to the North East and Glasgow no doubt. This took me an hour at the Library. How times change.

O, and in the night I got up and wrote an article for The Sun.

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