I use AOL as my main portal to the internet. It is where I keep my emails because I can easily remember my address: PeterJMcC@aol.com. But they keep changing the look of it.
I opened it up this morning and it had a new look again. I only just got used to the last one. Why does IT infrastructure need changing and updating so often? Is it to keep up with technology or is it to justify the extortionate amount of money the programmers are paid?
It's the same with government. I think Ministers of the crown change things in order to make their mark, get noticed by Number Ten and get promoted.
Sometimes this goes drastically wrong and they get demoted. But at least they have had a go. But there's a great adage that says "If it's not broke, why fix it?"
I'm fed up with things changing all the time. Give me some stability for God's sake.
Am I a grumpy old man?
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