Friday, 7 September 2007

Finding my way out

I don't know what colour Cold Turkey is but it's what I'm going through at the moment.

Cold Turkey is the nickname for coming off drugs. I feel awful. But God is still at work in my life.

After seeing the Doctor this morning I had lunch and went to bed. I just couldn't cope with my headache, jumbled thoughts and angry feelings.

I got up after a couple of hours and watched God TV. I don't usually watch TV in the day time but I felt drawn to it.

The first thing I watched was a young American chap preaching at the Rock Nations Conference 2005 in Bradford.

One illustration he used caught my imagination. It was about some men called The Incredibles who built the largest aircraft hangar in the world to house 747 jets that had not yet been built. When the planes were built they changed the world.

Then a song came up called Now is Your Time by Michael W Smith. It was about about a girl who was killed in the Columbine High School massacre. Her name was Cassie, a strong Christian who died for her faith.

Then I walked into the conservatory and a robin was fluttering about inside trying to get out. It suddenly flew out of the open door and away to freedom.

I felt that through these three things the Holy Spirit was speaking to me. He was showing me that I need to find my way out of this depression. It might take months. But my time will come and I will build something no one else has yet seen which will change the world.

Please pray for me to find the exit.

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