Here's some information you may not know. The Americans call a see-saw a teeter-totter. And that's what my life feels like at the moment.
Just like the man in the picture it goes up and down, up and down...
Up I go in spiritual ways, when I meet with God and He changes everything. Like a couple of days ago when I got a book called Feeling Good from my friend Mary in Tasmania. It has great ideas in it for depressed people. I hope and pray that I will put them into action.
And things are looking up in family ways too. Emma celebrated her 21st birthday in style over the weekend. She was ably assisted by her mother who helped in all sorts of practical ways (as she always does). Audrey was supposed to be in France with a prayer team but she stayed here. I was not happy when she decided that, but she was right after all.
Matthew has jumped out of his depression and is busy climbing mountains and applying for jobs. What an amazing, miraculous change. Thank you Lord!
Nathan started at Kendal College today. I took him to catch the bus at the Community Centre at 7.30 a.m. and then went on to pray at IMC. I get a real buzz out of that.
Down I go physically and mentally. By 9.00 a.m. I was suffering from the usual headache, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. The only answer to this is to lie on the settee. Peter Capstick rang up as I was doing so and suggested I walk it off.
Then Audrey came in and I pointed out "It's a lovely day out there." (We British love to talk about the weather, you know.) And straight away she said "Let's go for a walk then." So what could I do but go along with her?
It worked. It brought me back up again. Not as far as when I got up but a long way up from where I was, thank God.
So the journey of finding my way home has many ups and downs, like a see-saw, or teeter-totter.
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