I just wanted to share with you what I felt the Lord showed me this morning, that we should celebrate little victories.
I've had a pile of papers overflowing a plastic box in this office for months. Every time I walk past it, which is several times a day, I think "I must make a start on that." I promised Audrey I would do so several times, but it has all come to nothing.
This morning I spent several minutes looking at it from my computer chair and thinking how I could get started. Then I walked over to it and took some books and maps out and put them on the stairs in order to go where they should be.
As I realised that I had made a start I thought about the second time King David made a start to bring the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem. I knew I had read somewhere that they had just gone a step or two when he celebrated.
I found it in 2 Samuel chapter 6 verse 13:
When those who were carrying the ark of the Lord had taken six steps, he [David] sacrificed a bull and a fattened calf.
In other words, he rejoiced in the little victory of taking a few steps forward. So I give thanks to the Lord that I have made a start on the box of papers. Hallelujah!
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