Friday 10 October 2008

And the doctor said...

There is no alternative to resignation from the Lakeland job. So I sent in my notice yesterday. I won't be going back. It was making me ill again.

So what now? Well, I am going to make it my aim to apply for one job per week day, either online or by post. There must be something out there I can do.

I am also keeping in touch with the CAB, the Disability Specialist at Kendal Jobcentre Plus and with my counsellor. Most of all, I am keeping in touch with the Lord.

Strangely, in spite of all this trauma, Jesus is more real to me than ever. Even though mental illness hits you right in the centre of your being, Jesus is still there too. That's what the Christian faith is all about.

Some people can't see how you can feel like I do and still be a Christian. But you can.


Stewart Goudie said...

I think your recovery will be lots of little steps rather than one big leap back to normality. There will be downs as well as ups, and the new normality won't be the same as the old normality. But as you say, God will be with you all the way. You will be a richer and stronger person through all of this.

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