Saturday 15 March 2008

Sir Sleepalot

Why do I sleep such a lot?

Yesterday I started off the day in the usual way at the computer and then took Nathan to Kirkby Lonsdale. Then it was back to Ingleton to get my front tire fixed, attend the IMC Coffee Morning and the CofE shopping service.

After lunch I was off hawking my books round local Post Offices and newsagents, and ended up back in Kirkby Lonsdale to pick Nathan up again.

Before and after tea I was on the computer. Then, at 8.00 p.m. I went downstairs to watch Gardeners World on BBC2. I managed to see a segment during which curious Carol Klein was admiring primroses in Devon, but after that I slept on the settee for an hour and a half before going off to bed.

As I recovered consciousness enough to climb the stairs I asked Audrey "Why am I like this?" She didn't have an answer of course. Do you?

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