We started the Half Hour Prayer Meeting (HPM) at IMC yesterday. I had been praying and working towards setting up this twice weekly prayer meeting from yesterday. I had been asking the Lord for at least two people to join with me. Those who came first were Joyce and Grace. Then a little later two more joined us - so I got a double blessing! These were Andrew and Lorraine Pye. They were a little hassled in getting there, and so had Grace been. I must pray about that.
We had a great time praying for just half an hour in the power of the Spirit. Our two main themes were the Church Elders and Hope 2008. It was a good start.
I then went and told Duncan Thornton what a good time we'd had, as it was his original idea. But it came from Grassington Methodist Minister Vivien Firth who told us about a prayer meeting they have every morning. I rang her to tell her about it this morning, and left a message with her husband.
The lady (Gill Strachan) who organised the Cell UK preaching conference which so influenced my preaching on Sunday sent me a lovely e-mail back saying how encouraged she was to read my message on a Monday morning. How nice.
But in between it all, laced like a black thread through a white cloth, I was in mental confusion and tiredness. A lot of the day was spent sleeping on the settee. The rest was spent confusing friends and family. What a strange life.
At night Joe and Ruth Hawkey came to give their second talk on Prayers for Healing. They prayed for my bad back. They said I should get more exercise. So many people have mentioned that fact, that it must be the Lord. I must listen and obey.
I should follow the example of Mark Lawson from IMC. He gave up singing in the Worship Group a while back, but was involved with the singing at the Driven service for men. So many people said that it was great to see and hear him at the front again that he has rejoined the Worship Group. Well done, him.
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