If you're old enough to remember Monty Python and you watched it, you'll remember that catchphrase "My brain hurts!"
I remember before this journey began saying to Peter Capstick at Shekinah that part of my brain didn't work properly. He told God (and me) in his prayer that he didn't believe a word of it. Well I'm right.
The bit that doesn't work is called the prefrontal cortex. This is a picture of it (not mine I hasten to add). The little numbers were mapped out by a chap called Brodmann years ago.
Anyway, now I know what is wrong with my anatomy I have three choices:
- Ask the Lord to heal my prefrontal cortex
- Be diagnosed by a psychiatrist and get medicine (probably Ritalin)
- Learn to live with it as part of who I am, like I do with my short sight.
At the moment I am leaning towards the third option. But I am going to think about over the next ten days while I am on holiday with Audrey in Scotland.
We are going to an event called the CLAN gathering (New Wine Scotland). I won't be able to blog there so I'll let you know how we got on and what I have decided when I get back.
Please pray for us.
God bless you.
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