Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Show me the money!

I like films and try to keep up with them but there is one scene I keep hearing about and have no idea what it is.

It includes the phrase "Show me the money!" and I think it is in the context of bank raid. But I don't know any more than that. If anyone could enlighten me I would be very grateful.

But to go on to what I really wanted to say - that is I have been forced by my lack of income to be very careful with money. I now think before spending anything, no matter how small the amount.

I don't have a credit or a debit card so I have to pay for everything with cash. This is a good thing as it helps me realise how much things really cost. I used to put it all on a card before I gave up my job and never thought about the reality.

Also, I have learned to make a little go a long way. Living on benefits is an eye-opener. The money just isn't there, so I can't spend it. Every purchase, however small, has to be weighed against what's coming in.

This has been a good exercise for me and I am beginning to appreciate the value of money.


Anonymous said...

Pete! the phrase is from a Tom Cruise film - Jerry Maguire. The character has just been fired from a Sports Agency and he races back to try and retain the best clients the company has, mostly young college football stars and young olympians etc, however he gets stuck on the phone with a (american) footballer who is nearing the end of his career and needs one last big contract, hence him forcing Jerry to beg and shout "SHOW ME THE MONEY", all the while he loses his preferred clients whilst on the phone. The backstory to his sacking is that he has a revelation about the company treats it's client emphasising it should focus on people and not money...check the link on you tube,http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=OaiSHcHM0PA

Pete McCabe said...

Thanks for the information Simon. It's good to have you around.