Four score years ago our forefathers abandoned a millenium of faith and hope. Leaving the shores of the Christian faith and pulling up its anchor of hope the ship of state floated off into the sea of new morality. Now today we fight a spiritual battle in that ship.
We fight on two fronts. Members of the crew are destroying each other and the elements are destroying the ship.
Just look at the headlines today. A girl is abducted in Dewsbury and looking for her amongst family is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Why? Because she is one of many children born to her mother by different fathers.
A 15 year old girl dies in Goa, on her own. She too is one child amongst many step-children. Is this the brave new world our leaders wanted in 1968?
On the world scene we face an economic depression. Why? Because none of the American banks trust each other with money any more. It used to be said "My word is my bond." Now we say "I'll do what's best for me."
O for the anchor of hope to be cast out again by our ship of state so that we can weather the storm ahead. O for our crew to rally to the flag of the Christian faith and restore order to this chaos. This is what Hope 2008 is all about.

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