Thursday, 28 February 2008

What's Doncaster got?

Not a lot, sadly. I went there yesterday with the express purpose at looking at the Minster in its 150th anniversary year. It was there in all its magnificence but locked up because of vandalism. What a shame. It looked so inviting from the train when I went to London back in November, that I wanted to see more of it. But I couldn't.

I found Doncaster very depressing. The streets are drab and so are the people. It's not proud of its heritage and seems to knock down anything old or shut it and board it up.

It has a great railway heritage. There was a locomotive works there which employed 4,500 men who built the Flying Scotsman and the Mallard, which still holds the world speed record for steam locomotive power. That's something to be proud of. But there wasn't much about it in the museum.

No, I was very disappointed with Doncaster and I hope somebody's praying for it, because it sure needs it.

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