Saturday, 15 December 2007

It's been a week!

So sorry it's been a week since I blogged. I do appologise.

I have had some successes this week. The main one is that I have managed to make sense of Facebook.

I got a real headache from trying to use it last month and I left a message for Mike Bossingham saying I found it like a missionary must find an alien culture.

He left me a message which said it was possible to assimilate an alien culture.

Well I had a go and managed to find friends, make contacts, reach people I have wanted to find for ages and generally had a good time.

Once again it's Mike Bossingham to the rescue. How does he do it? By the grace of God, I suppose.


Anonymous said...

"How does he do it? By the grace of God, I suppose."

Absolutely - its the only way.

Every Blessing


Pete McCabe said...

Good on ya Mike!