Friday, 2 November 2007

Time Management

One of the reasons I had to quit my job with the Methodist Church was because of my problems with time management. I just wanted to wander about and see where the Lord led me, which is not very professional but it is spiritual. And it works.

Yesterday I was in York for a Businesslink workshop on setting up in business. The course was OK but it was the rest of the day I enjoyed more.

I visited the Rock church which is right next door to where we met. It is an unconventional Pentecostal Church based at the old Central Methodist. What a place! Hundreds of pews, a huge balcony, lots of side rooms all based in a square building that looks like a fortress.

I visited an exhibition about the monks who built the Priory which was again very close to where we met. Reading about medieval York was fascinating.

As I walked along a very narrow alleyway, or ginnel as the Yorkshire folk call them, between back-to-back houses I gave thanks for where I live. My dwelling is a three storey six-bedroom house with lots of ground right out in the country. And we were given it. Is God generous or what? That's one of the reasons I named my new business after it.

Another thing happened. I wandered into an independent bookshop hard by the Minster. Would you believe it, the assistant was unpacking books about Ruskin. She hadn't even taken the wrapper off the one I bought. Amazing.

When I got home Biddles the printers had sent me a booklet for self-publishers explaining how to get your books into the market. What a day.

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