Monday, 27 August 2007

Greenbelt 3

Last day here at Cheltenham Race Course. I can't believe it.

It's been great just mooching round looking at what God is doing in and through the arts. And that's a lot.

I set off this morning intending to hear the composer Sir John Taverner talk about his music. But I ran into Jonny Baker (pixelated left) who remembered my talk with him at Durham last July. I was impressed. He invited me to the relaunch of at the CMS tent.

I tried Taverner but he was boring. Just mumbling into the microphone, and revealing some very dodgy theology. I left him and went to see the relaunch instead. Much more interesting. Have a look at the website.

This afternoon I had a go at Psalm Reading but I started falling asleep towards the end. Was I tired or was I bored? Perhaps both. But on the whole I am still enjoying Greenbelt. I'm enjoying it enough to pay £2 for a cup of coffee and half an hour of blogging anyway.
I saw the guy who does Fresh Expressions in Bradford. He said for Wendy Thornton to get in touch with him before she does her presentation on the subject at IMC on Saturday 15 September.

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