This is a painting by Rembrandt of Jacob wrestling with the angel. It is based on Genesis Chapter 32 verse 25.
I have chosen it because Wendy Thornton, a person very dear to the heart of God and IMC is having her hip replaced today. She is less than 50 years old, and this has been a traumatic time for her.
It has been painful for us, her fellow believers, to see her struggle with more and more pain in her hip joint as she studied a Christian Ministry course at St. Martin's College. We have been praying and longing for this day. Pray for her as God touches her hip.
She then has to endure six weeks of complete rest. For Wendy this will be agony in itself because she is always busy, busy, busy. But our Methodist Covenant Service says: "Let me be laid aside for thee." I pray that her experience of enforced rest will be a time when God deeply touches her spirit.
Remember too Mark and Andrea Armstrong as they attend their uncle's funeral in Leicestershire and Chris and Julia Balchin as they care for Chris's dad for a week. He has Alzheimer's Disease.
As for me, I am learning each day.
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