Well, Peter McCabe has been unwell, and not able or willing to blog.
You've guessed it. I was very depressed. I don't know why. Maybe it was because I went back onto some stronger tablets and they gave me physical side effects: bad headache, nausea and light-headedness. Maybe it was because I couldn't think of anything to write about. Maybe it was because I was trying to come to terms with not having any money and owing people money I don't have. Or maybe, and this is getting to the real crux of the matter, I just couldn't be bothered.
Well, I'm back now. I guess the tone is pretty weary, but, hey, that's the way I'm feeling.
Three positives during this time:
- I really found the Veronica Zundel book "Crying for the Light" helpful and am reading it again.
- I have started riding a bike. Not only does this save money of fuel but also gives me exercise and gets the good feelings going a bit.
- Springwatch on BBC2 has been fantastic. To see God's creation in all its majestic and tiny glory has been thrilling. Maybe I'm improving. At least I'm blogging again.